Ep.2 Discover the power of slowing down with this 30-day challenge

This is a 3-minute insight episode. In this episode, I ask Samer Tutunji to throw a 30-day challenge to our listeners, a challenge that will create a great impact in their life. Listen to this 3-minute insight episode and discover the power of slowing down.

If you enjoyed this inspirational clip with Samer Tutunji, then you might be interested to listen to Episode One of the Leadership Activators podcast where Carole Issa dives deep into how to build and lead a successful business in challenging environments.

Join me in the Start Your Business (Leadership Activators) Facebook group and be surrounded by like-minded people who are on their way to developing emotional mastery.

Carole Issa

Carole Issa is the founder of Leadership Activators. Since 2015, she has been working with entrepreneurs, executives, and their teams to help them have more confidence so they can have more influence and impact. She specialises in leadership and communication training and coaching.


Ep.3 Self-awareness and its importance in business success


Ep.1 How to create a business in challenging environments