Activate Your Leadership
Tap into battle-tested wisdom with actionable tips to boost your confidence, amplify your influence, and drive greater impact.
What I learned from my hairdresser (and its not about hair!)
You know, I find it interesting that so many entrepreneurs feel like hiding under the table when I start a conversation about sales skills. And when they consider why this resistance, they realise that it’s mainly because they don’t like to ‘be sold to’.
Go beyond solving your ideal client's problem
When you create a new product or a service, there’s an important aspect that you’ll want to consider. It’s the experience your client will go through when using your product or service. In other words, the primary intention is to find ways to make your client feel good every time they interact with your product or service.
Why sharing your business idea is a good idea
In my article ‘Is it safe to give away what you know’, I invited you to explore how important it is to come from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. In this article, I’ll share my views on the never-ending debate about whether sharing your business idea, is a good idea.
Is it safe to give away what you know?
A common question I get when coaching entrepreneurs is whether it’s safe to share an idea. Some clients are so wound up about this, that before we even start, they already have an NDA ready for me to sign! This isn’t really a good start.